Friday, August 31, 2007

Six More Days !!!!

OK, now it's getting down to the last few days and we have unearthed our suitcases from the bowels of the walk in closets that you can't walk into anymore. We have designated the love seat in the living room to be the spot to take things that we don't want to forget to take. You laugh??? What, you laugh at that??? Well, just let me say this, you will ALL be old someday.

Anyway, we have our suitcases, some miscellaneous canvas bags, etc. laid out and are starting to put things in there as we think of it. We have bought batteries for the cameras, gone to the bank for some extra cash, bought a brand new 2008 Road Atlas and just are getting more excited as each day dawns. The road atlas is really cool. It's large, spiral bound and has lots of great stuff in it. We thought that would be easier than dealing with individual maps of all the states we are in.

Jim and Gail loaned us a great GPS so that we can find our way around and hopefully not get lost! It was so nice of them to let us use it because if we had paid for one through the car rental, it was over $10 per day. Wow, would have cost a bunch. It didn't make sense for us to buy one either since we don't own a car and don't drive that often! So they really did us a big favor, thanks guys!

I hope everyone as subscribed to our blog with the email thing so you can keep up with us. Please post a comment from time to time also so that we know you are there.

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