Friday, August 31, 2007

Six More Days !!!!

OK, now it's getting down to the last few days and we have unearthed our suitcases from the bowels of the walk in closets that you can't walk into anymore. We have designated the love seat in the living room to be the spot to take things that we don't want to forget to take. You laugh??? What, you laugh at that??? Well, just let me say this, you will ALL be old someday.

Anyway, we have our suitcases, some miscellaneous canvas bags, etc. laid out and are starting to put things in there as we think of it. We have bought batteries for the cameras, gone to the bank for some extra cash, bought a brand new 2008 Road Atlas and just are getting more excited as each day dawns. The road atlas is really cool. It's large, spiral bound and has lots of great stuff in it. We thought that would be easier than dealing with individual maps of all the states we are in.

Jim and Gail loaned us a great GPS so that we can find our way around and hopefully not get lost! It was so nice of them to let us use it because if we had paid for one through the car rental, it was over $10 per day. Wow, would have cost a bunch. It didn't make sense for us to buy one either since we don't own a car and don't drive that often! So they really did us a big favor, thanks guys!

I hope everyone as subscribed to our blog with the email thing so you can keep up with us. Please post a comment from time to time also so that we know you are there.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

10 More Days !!!

We discovered a camera that we forgot we had. It is a really nice Olympus C3000 digital camera. Now that is only good news because I can have my own camera on our trip. Why, do you ask, do I need my own camera? Well it's because I like to take waaaaaay more pictures than Wayne does and this way we can both have a camera (our other one is a Nikon) and I can freely snap away while Wayne stays more selective in his shots. There is an extra memory card too so that's really cool.

Today I managed to figure out how to make it possible for everyone to subscribe to our blog and get new postings via email. Lisa helped me by showing me how she did it, thanks Lis ! I hope I did it right. Mom, I will put your email address in myself so you don't have to do. I sure hope it works.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

14 More Days!!

Well, we are getting more excited everyday. I have sent an email to all the kids and to Mom to let them know about this blog. I have to figure out how to send any new blog posts via email to everyone like on Lisa's blog. I don't know if this one does that. It's really cool when Lisa posts on her blog, I get an email of it. I'm still learning about all this so maybe I can still yet figure it out.

Nothing new on the trip today. Jim and Gail have invited us to stop at their house in Lincoln on the way out for lunch. They actually invited us to spend the first night at their house, but it's only an hour away and we wanted to eat up more road the first day. I think our first night will be in Reno but who knows?

Monday, August 20, 2007

16 Days and Counting!

Wayne and I live in San Francisco and are planning the trip of a lifetime for us. In 16 days we are leaving our little apartment, getting into our rental car and taking off across this beautiful country of ours with absolutely no itinerary or no restricting schedules at all. We are just heading east and going where we want to go and seeing what we want to see.

We do have one destination planned. We are going to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to see Wayne's daughter Nicole. We will be there from the 16th to the 21st of September. Other than that, we have no plans.

I guess our first night will probably be in Reno as it is about a 6 hour drive. That's probably enough for the first day. We are getting so excited about our trip, just like a couple kids planning their first trip to Disneyland!

Our plan is to post in this blog each day as we travel so that those that want to can track our path. Also, we want to have a record of our trip for ourselves later on.

Only 16 more days !!!